Vitamin for hair – What foods strengthen and prevent hair loss?


Few realize, but vitamin for hair, most often comes from food. A diet rich in vitamins and nutrients is responsible for giving hair more shine, strength and health for the body in general.

Therefore, it is important to know which foods are most beneficial to hair and how they work. Thus, it is much easier to keep your hair beautiful and healthy by incorporating some of these ingredients into your diet throughout the day.

Do not forget also that, medical guidance is necessary. Consult a dermatologist and a nutritionist, so that you can make the correct assessment of the levels of vitamins and nutrients that are deficient in your body to carry out the correct consumption of these foods.

See below the main foods that are a source of vitamin for hair.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal  , a food widely consumed for breakfast, contains considerable amounts of silicon , a mineral capable of structuring keratin , the protein that forms hair.

In addition, oats contain B complex vitamins , which optimize the multiplication of cells in the hair bulb, favoring growth, and zinc , which helps control hormonal changes, which can cause hair loss and gray hair prematurely.

2. Pisces

Fish such as salmon , sardines and tuna are rich sources of omega 3 , a nutrient with potent anti-inflammatory action . Therefore, it helps prevent inflammation of the hair follicles, a factor that can directly contribute to hair loss.

In this way, the consumption of this food helps to increase hair density . 

These fish are also rich in selenium and B vitamins , essential nutrients for the health of hair follicles, as they improve blood circulation in the scalp, in addition to promoting strong and healthy hair growth.

3 eggs

Eggs are sources of biotin , an essential nutrient to stimulate the production of keratin , a protein that protects and preserves the hair shaft, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent hair loss.

The nutrients present in eggs also prevent premature aging.

In addition to these nutrients, eggs are rich in selenium and zinc , nutrients that help promote healthy hair growth. 

4. Avocado

Considered a superfood (super food) of nature, avocado is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins B , C , E , K , as well as other essential nutrients for the body.

By adding this food to your daily routine, it is certain that your hair will be more shiny and healthy. Therefore, it is one of the best foods to promote hair growth , ensuring the nutrition of the strands, preventing dryness and breakage .


5. Carrot

Another great source of hair nutrients is carrots. Rich in vitamins A and E , it helps blood circulation in the scalp and has an antioxidant action . This prevents damage, which can weaken strands causing hair fall and breakage.

Its composition still has vitamins C and E , which stimulate growth and naturally thicken hair strands. 

6. Dark green leafy vegetables

Vegetables such as endive, spinach and kale are sources of vitamins , beta- carotene , folic acid and biotin .

The leaves nourish the organism even with their low caloric value, and their high fiber content generates a feeling of satiety.

These nutrients help with blood circulation in the scalp, stimulate protein production , assist in the formation of new hair and increase capillary hydration . Therefore, they are efficient foods to control hair loss.

7. Seeds, nuts and chestnuts

Flaxseeds , walnuts and nuts , for example, are foods rich in nutrients that prevent hair loss, such as zinc , magnesium , complex B , vitamin E and omega 3 .

These nutrients act as anti-inflammatories and antioxidants , helping to keep your scalp healthy and your hair strong. Therefore, they reduce and prevent hair loss.

8. Milk derivatives

Milk and its derivatives are rich in essential nutrients for the nutrition of the threads. Like, for example, vitamin A which acts as an antioxidant, reducing damage to skin cells and allowing better blood circulation in the scalp; and the important mineral calcium that forms healthy threads.

Rich in vitamins, proteins, amino acids and calcium, milk is important for hair care.

Therefore, this food helps prevent hair from becoming opaque and brittle. In addition, it is a great source of biotin , which is responsible for increasing the production of keratin , which helps to strengthen the strands and fight hair loss.

9. Soy

A natural source of vegetable protein and biotin , soy is a food that provides protein to the hair follicles and prevents hair loss that can cause hair loss. 

In addition, other nutrients in its composition act on the scalp, increasing the hydration of the hair root and helping the regeneration of the follicles. In this way, it is possible to see an improvement in the health of the strands and a decrease in hair loss . 

Vitamin for hair: Extra tip!

Drink a lot of water!

Water is indeed a miracle substance, whether for the body or for the hair. It contains vital minerals that the body needs and ensures that the hair is getting all the nutrients it needs every day.

Water energizes the nerve endings and increases the natural vitality of the skin and hair roots.

However, when we don’t consume enough water, the hair dries out and becomes frizzy. By including water in your routine, you are favoring the hydration of hair follicles and also preventing hair breakage and weakening.

Therefore, drinking water daily, in correctly recommended doses according to your body’s needs, helps to keep your hair always healthy, nourished and strong.

In this way, we can learn a little more about the relationship between food and hair. To prevent hair loss and keep them healthy, it is very important to have a balanced diet, rich in nutrients, proteins and vitamins, in addition to water consumption.

Hair care must be carried out from the inside out.

Talk to your dermatologist or nutritionist and add these ingredients to your routine as a hair vitamin supplement option. The results will certainly be positive not only for your hair, but for your entire body.

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